My Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome Diagnosis

You may have noticed I was away for a few weeks. Unfortunately, this was due to an illness that initially was a mystery. After being admitted to the hospital with some of the worst pain I’ve ever experienced, along with extreme nausea, and more, I was diagnosed with Hypermesis Syndrome. As those of you who know me are aware, I’ve come to rely on CBD to help with the pain and symptoms related to MSA. However, it turns out the volume I was using was actually causing adverse effects, including the symptoms mentioned above. I’m grateful to have received this diagnosis, since it prompted me to discontinue my usage of CBD. Since doing so, my symptoms related to CHS have subsided. I was able to be released from the hospital and have been recovering wonderfully. I’ve resumed my normal schedule and work, and I’m eager to get back to more podcast episodes! The cautionary tale in my case is this: due to the amount of CBD I had used, I had to go completely cold turkey. The doctors informed me that if I were to resume my usage, the side effects this time would be much worse than even previously experienced. Hopefully that helps others out there too!

"Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS) is recurrent nausea, vomiting, and cramping abdominal pain that can occur due to prolonged, high-dose cannabis use. These symptoms may be relieved temporarily by taking a hot shower or bath. Complications may include kidney failure and electrolyte problems, and the condition can be fatal if not properly managed."

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